Productive Winter Farming Tips & Tricks
While we don’t really get harsh winters down here in Florida, it still gets cool and dry during the winter months and temperatures can be downright chilly in some areas. To get yourself through this less productive season in terms of crops, you’ll want to find other ways to stay busy on your farm until springtime.
Cobb's Tractor in Eustis, Florida, is your Sunshine State ag equipment dealer. Here are some of our top tips for ways to remain productive during winter on your farm.
Greenhouse Growing
If you’re in an area that sees those colder temperatures, then you may wish to continue growing certain crops in a greenhouse or to start seedlings in one. Greenhouses can be as simple as a canvas-walled shelter or as elaborate as a glass-walled building on your property. You should still be able to get plenty of light (Florida is known for its sunshine, after all!) to grow your desired crops; just make sure that they are warm and watered on a regular basis.
Repair & Maintain Ag Equipment
After a long growing and harvest season, your ag equipment is likely a little worse for wear, and this downtime is the perfect time to fix up your machinery. Take stock of all of your equipment, from tractors to seeders to hay balers, and get everything repaired that’s broken down over the previous months. Perform regular maintenance like oil changes and tire pressure checks. If you need some professional maintenance assistance, contact the Cobb’s Tractor service department to schedule an appointment with our team of mechanics. We’ll get your ag equipment all sorted out so that it’s ready to go when planting season begins!
Fix Up Shelters
Your barn or shed may also have fallen into some disrepair; maybe a strong storm during hurricane season has done damage to the roof, or heavy rains have caused some leaks. Either way, it’s important that you ensure your shelters are adequate for keeping your equipment and livestock comfortable and dry. Make the necessary repairs yourself or get in touch with professionals who can assist you with roof repairs and other carpentry.
Update Farm Records
Now that the harvest season is finished, you can set about doing all the bookkeeping that you haven’t had time to accomplish. Fire up your spreadsheet program and make notes on harvest yields, crop planting dates, weather conditions, weed issues and any other problems you may have had that you want to address for the coming year.
Tend To Animals
Your livestock will need to be taken care of during the winter just as they are during the rest of the year. Make sure that their pens are an adequate size, with plenty of fresh hay, clean water to drink and feed to eat. This may be the time to address your numbers and cull or sell any surplus livestock. After all, you don’t want to spend too much money trying to maintain animals that you don’t need. You may be able to sell some animals to make a profit, trade them with a neighbor or butcher them for meat.
Following these tips should help you to keep things going on your farm during the winter. And right now is as good a time as any to upgrade any of your older farm equipment so that you’re ready and raring to go come spring! Stop by our dealership located in Eustis to take a look at our inventory of new and used tractors and other agricultural equipment for sale. Cobb’s Tractor proudly serves the greater Orlando area, as well as Lake City, Florida.